Welcome to Behind The Vroom. The show about the Southern California auto enthusiast lifestyle. Join us as we descend upon some of the coolest car events and meet the folks behind the Southern California "car culture".

Friday, October 12, 2007

A Motorkult Update

Yesterday I got an email from a follower (yeah, I think I'm goin' there) with a simple question:

"How is Motorkult coming along?"

It made me realize we need a monthly email newsletter! Here's my response, which is sort of our first newsletter/update:

Hey_______. Good to hear from you. Thanks for asking about the show. I'm feel like a proud papa! In short, Motorkult TV is coming along rather nicely! We're building a pretty good team as people I know and trust are finally jumping on board. A new website is being developed and we're following all the great tips we picked up at PNME.

Episode Four posted this past weekend and an interview with Chip Foose is being edited as we speak. The new camera gear really puts the show in a different league and we're polishing up all aspects of production to better reflect the "premium content" we hope to offer. (Can you tell I'm excited?) We were planning on going to the Drifting Championships in Irwindale this weekend but got denied from their PR Department :( We've still got some surprises up our sleeves though!

I'm regretting sleeping through my Marketing courses in college- I'm really struggling with getting the word out (that, and having a day job *and* grad school) but all in time, as they say. Over all, things are looking really good- I'm super excited about this and we will soon have
a short backlog of quality content! Again, thanks for asking!

Sherwin Smith, Producer
Motorkult TV - motorkultTV.com


You can send your questions and comments to: friends AT motorkultTV DOT com

Better yet (and instantly gratifying), you can comment on our blog at motorkultTV.blogspot.com (You're soaking in it).

Thank you for playing!

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